
Uhlhorn Logistik Sales Service takes care of packaging services, finishing, assembly, and equipping. We work with our own dedicated team, thus ensuring high quality even under time pressure. We work manually or use packaging machines.

Our experience with copacking covers all types of products from the food and non-food sectors. Whether 1,000 outer packages or the finishing and packaging of 1,000,000 sample packs, as an experienced promotional products logistics supplier we are extremely flexible. The work in our experienced team allows us to give important recommendations to optimize processes and packaging units or POS placement as early as during the planning phase. Our shrink tunnel allows us to quickly and effectively combine a wide variety of onpack items with the product.

With the new Flowpack system, we offer another option for plastic film packaging.

Our range of services is diverse, but highly individualized and cost-effective to implement.
  • Equipping of displays
  • Finishing and packaging of product samples
  • Equipping of special placements
  • Shrink and sleeve packaging
  • Packing, repacking, unpacking
  • Banding and labeling
  • Enveloping and gluing
  • Processing of goods
  • Assemblies

Detailed reporting and inventory management that are compatible with your systems are a matter of course for us.

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